Dave's Location

A new journey has begun!

Colorado Trail

Colorado Trail

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Days 13-15 (Snow Class) and Big Bear Update

Start / Finish Location: Idyllwild - Snow Camp

Total Miles: 171.5 Miles

Miles To Finish: 2488.5 Miles

Before heading out on the PCT, Dave did a lot of studying and planning.  One of the challenges of the PCT is dealing with the snow - especially heading through the Sierras.  So Dave signed up for a snow class, and was joined by Jane and Fire Marshall from Team Far Sight. 

(Dave listening to instruction)
(Ned giving instruction)

The class was three days hiking and camping in the snow, learning snow survival and self-arrest techniques. 

(Dave setting up the tent.)
(Fire Marshall setting up his tent in the snow.)

It was very informative and well worth the time and effort.  But after three days off the trail - Monday morning will be time to hit the trail again!

BIG BEAR UPDATE: Dave had originally thought he was going to hit Big Bear by May 8th, and we know some of you were going to try to come hike with him over the weekend. It now looks like he will not make Big Bear until Tuesday May 11th. But the Trail Angels will still be there for the weekend. So let us know if you would still like to come up and enjoy beautiful Big Bear or whether you are available to hike with Dave when he gets there. Thanks for your patience and understanding - as things are always in flux!

~Midget Trail Angel


  1. Was there enough snow to build a snow cave?

  2. Yes, there was more than enough snow for a snow cave, however, we ran out of time.

    We did get a snow kitchen built and spent time eating and socializing around that.

    What we spent most of our time on was navigation in snow and moving safetly through snow both in woods and on peaks and then staying warm and dry!
