Dave's Location

A new journey has begun!

Colorado Trail

Colorado Trail

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 20 (10 Freeway near Cabazon - Misison Creek)

Start Location: 10 Freeway and PCT (About 1 mile east of Cabazon)

Finish Location: Mission Creek

Daily Mileage: 16.8 miles (on trail)

Total Miles: 226.3 Miles

Miles To Finish: 2433.7 Miles

After a day of rest, Dave was feeling strong and ready to move on.  But as he approached Cabazon in the car - he realized he somehow lost his maps AGAIN!  While it turns out he dropped them on the front porch on the way to the car, it simply meant a stop at Kinko's to print another set of maps.  But when Dave got back to the trail, he also found his old maps that he had lost going through Fuller Ridge. 

(Where Dave found his maps.
Obviously someone thought going without maps was not too bright.)

About an hour and a half into the day, Dave ran into Wolf Taffy. He was heading down the mountain to go home. He had accidentally started a fire on the south face of San Jacinto when his alcohol stove felt over during the high winds. He had done the right thing and turned himself in. But he felt horrible about what happened, and was worried sick about what would happen to him. He could not hike anymore and turned around to go home. The fire ended up being only a few acres - but resulted in the trail being closed for a day or so. Dave and the other hikers are hopeful that Wolf Taffy avoided anything more than a fine.

(Dave looking up at the windmills and San Jacinto - the mountain he almost climbed.)

A little after 2 p.m., Dave passed a young man sitting alone on a dry outcropping overlooking the river bed. He said he had shin splints and was taking it slow, but his face said he was "trail tired." Dave smiled with recognition. He's seen that look before - in the mirror.

(One of the many trail "ducks" marking the trail along the way.)

Dave camped at Mission Creek near a trail on a small rise just above the river and off the PCT trail. He met a young couple there, but headed in to avoid the cold as the sun went down.

(Dave's tent and pack - ready for the night.)

~Midget Trail Angel

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