Dave's Location

A new journey has begun!

Colorado Trail

Colorado Trail

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 16 (171.6 Miles - Skunk Cabbage Meadow)

Start Location: 171.6 Miles

Finish Location: Skunk Cabbage Meadow

Daily Mileage: 8.5 miles (on trail)

Total Miles: 180 Miles

Miles To Finish: 2480 Miles

After the snow course, Monday morning was back to the trail to start the ascent on Mt. San Jacinto and hopefully over the next few days make it through the mountains and out to the 10 freeway near Cabazon.

It was tough hiking, as the snow really slowed everyone down. The thing about the snow is you never know where you are stepping, not sure how much traction you have, and really need to pay close attention to what is going on. Otherwise bad things can happen.

Dave started the day with Ed and Fire Marshall - as Girl Friday and Zero had started about 30 minutes before them. By the fifth mile, they had met up with them, but Zero was dealing with a horrible headache.

As zero needed to just lay down and rest, Dave and Ed said goodbye to Team Far Sight for a while and continued on to Skunk Cabbage Meadow. Although Dave had camped there a few nights ago, they stayed in a different part of the meadow, much closer to the trail. It was a tough day and they only had more snow to look forward to tomorrow.

Dave was just beat as he crawled inside his tent to get warm and some sleep.

Out Damn Spot Out:  For those of you missing the map links with Dave's location, Dave's Spot died last week.  There was some technical glitch with it. Unfortunately, the not so friendly customer "service" at Spot was a little slow in responding.  Ironic, since the device is a safety device and Dave was encountering some of the most difficult terrain so far.  Once the spot is up and running again, map links will be available so you can see exactly where Dave is.

~Midget Trail Angel

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