Dave's Location

A new journey has begun!

Colorado Trail

Colorado Trail

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 21 (Mission Creek to Mile 242.3)

Start Location: Mission Creek

Finish Location: Mile 242.3

Daily Mileage: 16.

Total Miles: 242.3 Miles

Miles To Finish: 2417.7 Miles

Dave headed out early, knowing that he had a 5,000 foot climb that day. The scenery was pretty - but also saw some critters, including another rattle snake.

The day was quiet - and Dave did not see anyone on the trail. There was a nice little camp ground near a stream that Dave saw. He had lunch there and soaked his feet in the water. From there it was up, up, and up.
(More trail ducks - two ducks in a row.)

(A black and white tree - survivor from the fire - Dave calls it his Cruella tree.)

The plan was to meet the trail angels at Mission Springs, which was at Mile 239 - and arrived around 3 p.m. But there was no sign of them. He saw that the parking lot was closed and thought they might be nearby. But after waiting for a bit Dave decided to move on a few miles to a saddle where Heart Bar Trail and the PCT meet. It was a cold night and the wind was blowing.

What Dave did not know is that the trail angels tried to get to the road leading to the campground. But it was closed for the season and not open until May 15th. Not knowing what Dave needed, they loaded up their backpacks with food and were ready to hike the 8 miles to get him resupplied. They headed out - and even got a ride for about 1 1/2 miles from June, a very nice camp manager.

From there it was all uphill. About 4.5 miles in, Dave finally called, telling them he had moved up the trail about 3 miles. They came up with a re-supply plan for the morning. The Trail Angels then turned around to hike the 6 miles back to the car. Although sad they could not make it all the way to camp, they were happy they could stay inside in the warmth - as the temperatures plummeted to the 30's.

~Midget Trail Angel

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