Dave's Location

A new journey has begun!

Colorado Trail

Colorado Trail

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Days 40 & 41 - The End of the Trail is Near

Dave has not had enough cell service to call me, but he has used Trevors phone. We have been monitoring AT&T vs Verizon through the entire trail. AT&T had better service during the first weeks of the trail but Verizon is clearly in the lead now. Although I must say I had a difficult time hearing everything Dave had to say today. I know that partial communication is better than no communication! When Dave called yesterday (Tuesday night) they had 13.6 miles left on the Colorado Trail. They had passed Indian Ridge which is notorious for being the location in Colorado that reports the most lightning strikes and the most deaths due to lightning strikes. I am happy to say that the boys didn't have a cloud in the sky yesterday. It was a beautiful and sunny day! The days have been pleasantly warm. Last night they camped on a bluff with a 200' drop. Every morning Tenille visits Dave and greets him. This morning Dave was packing up as Tennille was coming over for her good morning. Dave was tossing his gear out of his tent. Wanting to avoid hitting Tennille with his grave, Dave put a bit of spin on one of his bags but the toss got away from him and it went over the edge! Dave climbed down after the bag which had some clothes in it. He is a smart man and finally decided that if he went further he would be at risk. In the bag was a pair of warm tights, a Buff I had gotten him for Christmas, and socks that he had gotten in Stehekin when he was hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. Nothing was worth his life, so he decided to head back to the campsite and forget the bag. Smart man! They hiked into today's camp site with only 1.2 miles left on the trail! Durango is so very close! The guys will be met at 9:30 tomorrow morning in Durango. they will be staying in Durango tomorrow. Dave will be getting a ride from Paul and Nancy (the resupply team) into Colorado Springs Friday and will be enjoying a steak dinner with friends. I am looking forward to a good phone conversation where I can hear more than every third word! This will be the last trail blog however, when Dave can get me some pictures I will post them here. More blogs will resume when the guys are on their next adventure. The Grand Canyon was guessed to be their next adventure however Dave told me that Tennille wouldn't be able to do the Grand Canyon. It would be too hard on her. I thought the New Zeland trail would be in the running, but it looks like a canoe may be part of the picture. The talk is of the Boundary Waters of Minnesota and Canada. The first time Dave had canoed was on our honeymoon. He graciously let me pick our trip and I chose canoeing the Boundry Waters. It took just a bit of practice and Dave had canoeing down. It is beautiful country with great fishing, a bit of portaging and mosquitoes the size of hummingbirds! Their feet will enjoy the rest!! This is just talk but every adventure must start somewhere! I do, however, see Dave doing the Grand Canyon at some point but probably running it rim to rim to rim. He's talked about that. Thanks for following this Colorado Trail adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Jane, for posting and keeping the RLC in the loop during the big Adventure!
