Dave's Location

A new journey has begun!

Colorado Trail

Colorado Trail

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Day 28 - Section 19

Dave made a call on the satellite phone this morning. The phone is not charging so they can only use it while it's connected to a power box called a Joey. they are getting no cell service. We didn't have a long conversation but it was enough to get a sense that the guys are still really enjoying themselves. I was thrilled to spend a few minutes talking with Dave. During the past few days they walked through beautiful country but they were distracted from some of that due to the motorcycles and ATVs. Dave was amazed at the amount of motorized vehicles at that altitude and remoteness. They are now in Section 19 and have some peace, so they can really take in the beauty. They are in a very remote area. Cars can get to them but only on dirt roads. They are in BLM / Forestry Land which they are sharing with cows. Dave said there are many, many grass fed cows. So many cows that they had to move some cow patties to make room for their tents! Dave has had only minor complaints of aches and pains. He has a toe issue which he describes as turf toe. That could mean a toenail may come off. He said the toe is stiff until he walks around to loosen it. He also has had a sciatic nerve issue. He mentioned a bit about his Achilles heal but through all this he had a smile in his voice. He is just loving being out on the trail! He hasn't said, but I bet he and Trevor are talking about where their next trail will be! Tomorrow they are headed into the San Juan area where there are sheep grazing. These sheep are allowed to roam over a large area and have dogs watching over them. There is a website that should tell us where the sheep should be so that the guys can be alert for them, especially with a Tennille. Tennille won't react, but who knows how the other dogs could react towards Tennille. The website wasn't updated, so Laine has been trying to contact the shepherd to get status. The guys will just keep their eyes open until they are through that territory. They estimate they will be in Durango by the 28th. It may be a few days before I hear directly from Dave but will keep in contact with Laine and will watch the SPOT. Today's location: 37.98215 -106.85507 They got to camp just before 4:00 pm mountain time. M

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