Dave's Location

A new journey has begun!

Colorado Trail

Colorado Trail

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Day 30 - Stormy Skies and Birthday

The boy's day started with them climbing over two passes, crossing the Continental Divide once again. Then they had to cross a Mesa. That is when the skies opened. Lightning was an issue so the guys hustled across the 6 miles of the Mesa, crossing it in about 1 1/2 hours. The total for today was 11 miles. Their hiking day was from 7 am to 12:30. They got to the resupply where they were met by Paul and Dick. Paul had brought Dave a pastry with a candle to celebrate his birthday. Happy birthday Dave!! A Because of the forecast of the next few days bringing more thunder showers the guys have decided to take at least tomorrow off. They got a ride to Lake City and found a hotel, ate a burger, took a shower, and Dave was cleaning his socks when I talked to him. Dave was telling me that Lake City was the highest unincorporated town in the United States. I couldn't confirm that fact but I did find that Lake City is the only town in Hinsdale County and is a historic mining town. Although glad to be warm and dry, Dave doesn't want to stay in town long (as I'm sure neither does Trevor). Dave does want to be safe and would love to enjoy the beautiful scenery, so he's hoping the forecasts are wrong so they can get back on the trail Monday. He is just a bit weary worrying about the weather. Dave will try and get pictures downloaded to me while in town. I'm looking forward to seeing the beautiful countryside.

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