Dave's Location

A new journey has begun!

Colorado Trail

Colorado Trail

Friday, July 30, 2010

Jackson Lake in the Klamath National Park

Dave's Spot must be acting up again because I didn't get an email today from him today. I did go onto www.teamfarsight.org and checked out Zero and Fire Marshall's Spot tracker, which showed them stopping tonight at 7:30.

Friday, July 30th, the guys are camping at PCT mile 1592. It was another 20 mile day! They are camping in the Klamath National Park near Jackson Lake. They are close to both Grisly and Russian Peak.

They have 14 miles to hike tomorrow before they get into their resupply location, Etna.

The Oregon border is coming up - PCT mile 1699. 107 more miles and Dave, Zero, and Fire Marshall will be in Oregon!!

Trail Angel Jane

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mosquite Lake Creek PCT mile 1572

Dave's Spot came in at 4:58 pm today, July 29th. Check out PCT Half Mile Maps California Section P, page 9.


They are at elevation 6263 feet. They did have lots of uphill today. Tomorrow will be more uphill getting over 7000 feet. I know the 1000 feet doesn't seem so bad, but after hiking over 90 days with 35 plus pounds on your back, every step seems like uphill.

Here is Dave's Spot Google Map:


The guys have two more solid days of hiking and could hit their resupply town Saturday night if they keep pushing.

Trail Angel Jane

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Another 20 miles stretch

Dave's Spot came in at 5:00 pm tonight, Wednesday, July 28th. Another 20 miles were accomplished again today. Go to the Dave's blog and click the PCT link under the picture of him. Look at PCT Half Mile Maps, California Section P, page 6. He is camping at approximately PCT mile 1552.

You can also check out his Spot on Google Maps:


Here are just a few of the pictures from Dave's past month. I'll get the rest loaded later tonight.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Gum Boot Creek - Upper Lake

Dave's feet as he enjoys the Sierras.

Dave called me tonight, Tuesday July 27th. He wanted to make sure I made it home all in one piece. Although I had a lot of driving, I've made it home feeling refreshed. Dave, on the other hand, is still not at his evening camping location (although by the time I post this he should be there!). He is overlooking Upper Gumboot Lake and is searching for a route down. Although the PCT Half Mile Map, California Section P, page 3, at approximately PCT mile 1531.3, shows a trail down to the lake, Dave says this trail is not visible. He figures it'll take him an hour to make his way down to the Lake. He's heading there because he'll need water for tomorrow's hike.

I've added the PCT Half Mile Map URL to the blog - located under the picture of Dave.

Our three hikers started out the day hiking together but Dave ended up hiking ahead and has not seen them since. Dave is a slower hiker than Zero and Fire Marshall, but he likes very short breaks. Once you start him up, he won't stop until he's done. He's like that with projects and hiking! As a slower hiker than Dave, his short breaks usually mean I don't get much of a break at all! Dave is hoping to camp with the guys tonight. He'll leave them a note to let them know he's heading for the lake. He said he'd also try and call them also but is unsure if they have cell service.

Ah, his SPOT just came in. He made it to the lake. Check out Google Maps:


Dave had a very successful day hiking. If he keeps doing 23 miles a day, he'll be in Oregon before we know it! He has 5 more days of hiking before he gets to the next resupply location, Etna, at PCT mile 1606.5 - he may make it in 4 more days.

Trail Angel Jane

Monday, July 26, 2010

Jump from Echo Lake to Castella

Today, Monday July 26th, Dave, Zero, Fire Marshall and I took a trip from Echo Lake / South Lake Tahoe area up the road to Castella, Near Mt. Shasta. The trip had us squeezed in my Prius. It was oh, so very uncomfortable, but much quicker than a bus ride or attempting to hitch.

I dropped them off at PCT mile 1506.5 at Castle Creek State Park near Castella. They are about 2 miles off the trail. See PCT Half Mile map California section O, page 9.


They are hoping that they will be in Canada in two months and then fly back to Sacramento where I'll be waiting to drive them back to Echo Lake. They'll take the couple of weeks to hike the miles that they've just skipped where I'll meet them to celebrate their finish.

The weather where they are now is hot - in the 90's. They are hoping to gain some elevation and get cooler weather.

While driving with the guys today I learn so much. Zero, an experienced hiker, gave me a quick through hiker 101. Here is what he said about food. A weekend hiker will be eating a piece of candy and if it drops, they just go into their bag for another one. A section hiker, dropping their candy, will pick up the candy and brush it off and then eat it. A through hiker will get the piece of candy partially in their mouth, drop it, and pick it up, figuring they are getting extra calories. I've never seen Dave eat so much and so many sweets. He has a great appetite.

It was hard to say goodbye to Dave knowing I won't see him for about two months. Having a long drive home, I didn't stay long at their campsight. I left them at 5:30 pm and drove to Woodland, just north of Sacramento. It's 9:00 now and I'm ready for a good night sleep.

Trail Angel Jane

Sunday, July 25, 2010

South Lake Tahoe Sunday Zero Day - AHNU giveaway

Today, July 25th, we spend working on downloading pictures and then heading to the trail to give away 20 pairs of Ahnu shoes. Zero, Dave, and I found two hikers resting their feet, Breezy and Little Bit. Breezy had a $25 pair of sneakers and was extremely excited at getting a new pair. He was trying to make his money stretch, but knew that a new pair of good shoes would really help his feet.

We set up the boxes and the Ahnu sign and the hikers turned up! It was so rewarding seeing all these hikers who were tired and in need of a pick-me-up get handed a pair of new Ahnu shoes. A huge thanks to Ahnu for spreading joy today!

We are waiting for Zero to hear from his Sponsors tomorrow to determine if we move all three of the guys forward 400 miles or if Dave goes ahead alone. We are hoping for this team to stay together. We'll let you know what happens either tomorrow late or Tuesday (depends upon how much driving I have to do tomorrow.

Dave says hi to everyone and thanks them for watching his adventure.

NOTE to Keith: Dave was so excited to tell you that he had also hiked all of the John Muir Trail this summer, but found out that he still has 20 miles to go from Tuolumne Meadows to Yosemite Valley. That will have to be another hike Dave and I do together later.

For anyone who thought about hiking with Dave, he had to hike around Baden Powell due to the amount of snow earlier this year. He wants to go back and hike from Baden Powell to Little Jimmy. Keep this in mind for end of October beginning of November. A firm date will be communicated soon after he finishes the trail.

Trail Angel Jane

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Echo Lake - South Lake Tahoe day 1

Friday, July 23, I found myself waking up at 4:00 am. The car was mostly packed. I was in the car and on the road at 4:50 South Tahoe Lake bound. My plan was to check into the motel, unpack my car, get out on the trail and get some hiking in. Little did I know that the boys were already up (up at 3:30 and hiking by 5:00) and getting ready to hike 17 miles by noon. I pulled into South Tahoe Lake abut 11:15. The car was unpacked (resupply food items, fuel, Ahnu shoes, and my gear) and I was almost out the door heading to the trail when my phone rang. Yes, it was Dave and he was already at Echo Lake. I found out that Zero and Fire Marshall needed to get to the post office and not wanting to get there when it was closed, they arrived about 4 hours earlier than I had thought.

It was wonderful seeing them. They had met up with some new friends and I found them seeking shelter under the shade of a tree. Dave has been telling me that he's losing a lot of weight, so I expected to see a very scarey Dave. What I saw was a thin Dave, but not yet scarey looking! I'm in the process of feeding him everything I can!

Dave explained to me that plans have changed for the remainder of his hike. The guys had run into Billy Goat, a very well known PCT hiker legend with over 38,000 miles of hiking under his belt. He told the guys that they were in jeopardy of not finishing the hike to Canada because they have lost so much time. They are about three weeks behind where they should be. His suggestion was that they jump 400 miles ahead, get out of California in about a week or two, and conquor Oregon and Washington before the weather makes the trip impossible. From Canada, they fly back to Echo Lake / South Lake Tahoe and complete these 400 miles. This area is lower in elevation and the weather will not be as severe as the last section of the trail.

Today we printed off maps that will get them to Oregon. When I get home I'll send them the rest. We've also gotten the few resupply items I did not bring. Dave will spend this evening packing and attempting to lighten his load.

Tomorrow I'll take Fire Marshall and Zero to get the couple of items that they need for resupply. Then we'll head for the trail and set up the Ahnu shoe give-a-way. We have 20 pairs of shoes for some unsuspecting hikers! We'll probably camp tomorrow night at Echo Lake. We are debating if I should on Monday drive them to the PCT 400 miles up (driving is under 200 miles). I'd then need to drive home - that's a lot of driving. I'm suggesting a bus ride, or maybe renting a car!

As the plan progresses, I'll pass it on. Dave is working on locations and mileage tonight too.

We said goodbye to a new hiker friend, Moleman. Dave spent a few days with him and now has ideas for new adventures. Moleman has written a book about his bike ride from San Diego to Florida... I see a cross country bike trip in my future.

I'll be working on downloading pictures - so next blog you should get to see Dave and friends.

Trail Angel Jane

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hwy 88 - Frog Lake: Echo Lake / Tahoe bound

Dave, Fire Marshall, and Zero are getting close to their next resupply location. Thursday, July 22nd found them camping just off trail at the north side of Frog Lake. They are at PCT mile 1077.5. Check out PCT Half Mile map California section J, page 8.


From PCT mile 1073 to their final camping location, the boys hiked down hill and then right back up for an elevation loss/gain of just under 1000 feet. Tomorrow will be mostly down hill into Echo Lake

I missed a call from Dave today at 1:00. He found himself on top of a mountain with phone reception and thought he'd check in about our meet point tomorrow. I'll be driving up to Tahoe early in the am, check into the motel, and head out to Echo Lake and to the trail. I'm hoping to get there early enough to do some hiking of my own. They have 17 miles to trek tomorrow and will be ready for a few days rest. I'm looking forward to seeing Dave and the boys. I'll be sharing the pictures they've been taking over these past couple weeks. Keep watching!

Trail Angel Jane

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Eldorado National Forest

Wednesday, July 21st found Dave's spot coming in around 6:30 pm. Looks like they've had a great day of hiking 20 miles. They have camped near Eagle Creek at PCT mile 1055. Check out PCT Half Mile map California Section J page 5.


They are on track for getting into Echo Lake this Friday. I'm heading up tomorrow to meet them on the trail. No hitchhiking this time for them! We'll have a fun weekend handing out the Ahnu shoes to other PCT hikers. We'll have new pictures this weekend.

Trail Angel Jane

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Golden Lake , Stanislaus National Forest

Tuesday, July 20th, has our hikers in the Stanislaus National Forest camping near Golden Lake. If you open the PCT Half Mile map California Section J page 3, look at the blue dots on the trail (these mark each half mile).

According to Dave's spot they are just prior to mile 1035, which means Dave, Fire Marshall, and Zero hiked approximately 16 miles today. Check out Dave's Spot on Google Maps, just zoom in a bit.


They had some small climbing today and then it pretty much evened out - not exactly flat, but no huge elevation gain. Tomorrow they'll start off down hill. Check out page 11 of Section J.

I noticed that they are very close to Disaster peak. Let's hope they avoid Disaster!

Trail Angel Jane

Monday, July 19, 2010

One the trail at Sonora Pass Hwy 108

Monday July 19th had Dave, Fire Marshall, and Zero finishing up business in Bridgeport, visiting the post office, maybe the grocery store. Once all their town work was complete, they would then be looking for a hitch back to the trail only 14.7 miles away.

Dave's Spot came in at 8:36 tonight, just off of Hwy 108. Dave did mention that his Spot was running out of batteries, but looks like he got some new ones in Bridgeport. I know they like camping away from the rode, typically a mile away. Tonight, I think they are just shy of a mile away from the road. I know that Dave had been hoping to get about 11 miles in today. He'll be driving Zero and Fire Marshall tomorrow! You can follow them on PCT Half Mile map California Section J, page 1.


Zero told me that when hiking the Appalachian Trail, each State Line marked another section on the trail checked off. Here on the Pacific Crest Trail, sections are marked by Half Mile's maps. Every time they move onto a new map section it's like crossing into a new State.

They now have 75.5 miles to go until we hear from them again. See page 11 of the PCT Half Mile map California Section J, page 11 for the elevation. Tomorrow the boys will hike about 1000 feet up and then 2000+ feet down. Let's hope the down isn't too hard on the knees!

Trail Angel Jane

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Dave!

Dave, the birthday boy, found himself up and hiking at 4:30 am this morning, July 18th. They guys had 11 miles to hike and they did that by 10:30 / 11:00ish. Highway 108 crosses the PCT at mile 1018.5.

Dave and Fire Marshall got a hitch into Kennedy Meadows Resort to pick up their packages. This resupply location is 9.1 miles west on hwy 108, and then 1 mile south on Kennedy Meadow Road. They got the hitch from a guy who had hiked the PCT a few years ago. He took them to the beginning of Kennedy Meadow Road, and waited for them to hike in, get their packages, and hike back out. Although he said he could only take them partway to Bridgeport, he ended up taking them all the way, driving about 50 miles for the guys.

Zero found a hitch directly into Bridgeport to pick up his packages. Bridgeport is 14.7 miles south east on hwy 108 and then 16.8 miles south on hwy 395. They are staying in Bridgeport tonight.

Tomorrow, Dave will stop at the post office and send home some items that will make his pack lighter. They will have to find a hitch back to the PCT, so they don't expect to make too many miles tomorrow. They are hoping for 7 miles.

Zero and Fire Marshall were taking Dave out for a few beers tonight to celebrate his birthday. Happy Birthday Dave!!

Trail Angel Jane

Saturday, July 17, 2010

PCT Mile 1007 - 1653 to go

It's Saturday, July 17th. Dave's SPOT did not come through yet, but figuring it was late, I went on to www.teamfarsight.org and saw their SPOT under the tracking tab which came in around 6:30.

The guys are camping on PCT mile 1007 at a creek in Kennedy Canyon, elevation 9086. They hiked 19 miles today. We saw Kennedy Meadows weeks ago at the base of the Sierra Nevada's. This is Northern Kennedy Meadows. They have passed the Mono lake area. Tomorrow, they have 11 miles to get to the next resupply location, the Kennedy Meadows Store and Pack Station.

This should be Dave's last night sleeping on a sleeping pad with a hole in it. The new one will have to suffice as a birthday present until I see him next weekend. Yes, tomorrow is Dave's 51st birthday! Happy Birthday Dave!!

Although Dave is getting resupplied at Kennedy Meadows, Zero is getting resupplied at Bridgeport. They may have one or two days resupplying. Hopefully they'll get a chance to shower and do laundry. That would be another birthday present for Dave. Being clean is such a treat. At this point it's the little things that mean so much to Dave.

Trail Angel Jane

Friday, July 16, 2010

21 miles walked to Wilma Lake

Friday, July 16th, Dave's Spot came in at 7:12 pm. They started this morning at PCT mile 967 and camped at Wilma Lake, PCT mile 988. Dave will sure be happy that they made 21 miles today.

You can see where they are camping if you go to the PCT Half Mile maps, California Section I, page 6. Move down to page 11 and you'll see the elevation change. Check out the changes for page 5 and page 6 and you'll see the ups and downs of Dave's day today.


Dave is getting close to a huge marker - the 1000 mile mark! Last time I talked to him, he was thrilled that this number was fast approaching. Let's hope they have another great day filled with sights and plenty of miles!

Trial Angel Jane

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bensen Pass

Thursday, July 15th, saw Dave's SPOT come in at 7:06 pm. Today our hikers climbed Bensen pass at PCT mile 967, elevation 10,150.

Dave is camping tonight near Smedberg Lake at PCT mile 971. Both of these locations are located on the PCT Half Mile maps California Section I, page 4.


They had a 14 mile march today which must have made Dave feel great! He needs, right now, to get some miles in. Soon 14 miles will be a minimum. 20 miles a day is the target Dave is aiming for.

His new sleeping pad was sent today. A little more $$ was spent to insure it will be there in time for him to pick it up on Monday. It was sent to Kennedy Meadows Resort and Pack Station. The address is "57 miles east of Sonora on HWY 108". The UPS Store employee who assisted me in mailing this package said that they could not guarantee a Monday delivery. I've overnighted it - it will be there by tomorrow night. He will be so happy to improve his night's sleep.

Trail Angel Jane

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Virginia Canyon Trail

Wednesday July 14 has found Dave, Fire Marshall, and Zero camping near the Virginia Canyon Trail at PCT mile 956. See Pacific Crest Trail Half Mile maps, California section I, page 3.


Dave called this morning before they left for the day. He was up and packed early and waiting for his fellow hikers and wanted to check in. He had a laundry list of complaints, mainly the sleeping pad not staying inflated (and I heard mosquitoes being mentioned). He knows he has at least 5 more nights until he can pick up the sleeping pad I'm sending to him.

We talked about our pending visit in Tahoe. Zero is being sponsored by Ahnu, a shoe maker who is sending him approximately 50 free pairs of shoes. The idea is that Zero, with help from Fire Marshall, Dave, and I, will set up a stand on the PCT and hand these out to hikers who happen to wander by. Zero was trying to find a place in Tahoe to have these shoes mailed to. While Dave and I were talking, Zero was talking with Ahnu. Since they had not heard from Zero, they mailed the shoes to the one address they had on file - mile. Today when I came home from work I found two boxes on my door step. There were only 20 shoes in those two boxes. I'm gathering the other 30 will be appearing any day. I didn't think I'd be able to get these 50 pair into my car, along with camping and travel gear, to head up to Tahoe, but after seeing these boxes, I don't think I'll have an issue. I'll make it work.

Today, they hiked through the Yosemite Park Wilderness. They got 14 miles completed today. Dave's hope is that they'll begin to get up to 20 miles ad day once again, with hopes of getting back on track. I've discovered that most hikers don't stick to a plan, they just don't worry about it. Dave, on the other hand, feels better only if they are on schedule. I've learned that if he doesn't worry about it and think about it, he feels he's not prepared.

We most likely will not hear from Dave until next Monday. I'll use the Half Mile maps to track his progress. Stay tuned for more updates.

Trail Angel Jane

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuolumne Meadows

Tuesday, July 13, brought a phone call from Dave. They hiked into Tuolumne Meadows at PCT mile 942.5. See PCT Half Mile maps, California section H, page 27. They stopped at the general store to resupply food and look for a new sleeping pad. Sadly, the only gear they had was for climbers. I will send him my oh so very special and wonderful sleeping pad. Ah, the sacrifices we make for those we love! I'll send it on to their next stop, so he'll have to deal with what he has until about next Monday. They were able to load up with 6 days worth of food.

Then they moved on to the walk-in Campground and set up their tents. While Dave and I were on the phone, around 7:00 pm, hikers began swarming into the campsight. Some campers were getting a bit too close to Dave's tent, so he started talking to me about how badly he snores. It worked, the hikers moved away. Now he just had to find a way to get rid of the mosquitoes. The snoring didn't seem to bother them. Zero did say that Dave is not using enough deet. (Really, Dave doesn't snore.)

Dave's story of the day was about fishing. He said he is being tortured by the beautiful lakes and streams and not having a rod. He did remind me that he doesn't have time to fish, much less want to carry the weight, but oh, he is so needing to fish. At one point today, he took some small yellow flowers and tossed them into a lake. Out of 10 flowers, he got 8 bites! The fish were going wild! He passed an angler out fly fishing and Dave shared with them his flower findings and suggested that they use a Parachute Adams. The angler agreed. Hopefully he had good luck with that advice.

Dave & Team Far Sight's plan had been to spend a couple of days in Yosemite, seeing the sights and hiking half dome. Because they are behind schedule, they are going to skip the extra 20 miles of the John Muir Trail and stay on the PCT. They are working toward getting to PCT mile 1018 by Monday.

The mood of the phone call was light and there was a lot of laughing. Dave was in a wonderful mood. When he wasn't talking to me, he was joking with Zero. It is great to know that he's having fun out on the trial.

The Spot just came in - check out where Dave is spending tonight on google maps:


Trail Angel Jane

Monday, July 12, 2010

Donohue Pass - elevation 11,064 feet

Before July 12th's Spot came in I received a phone call from Dave. What a nice surprise. They have hiked to within a mile and a half of Donohue Pass. This Pass is at PCT mile 929.5. They've stopped at PCT mile 928. See PCT Half Mile map California Section H page 25.

They had to stop early today because clouds were forming, it looked like a storm could be brewing, and they heard thunder. The guys were afraid of the weather turning worse and didn't want to be caught on top of the Pass with the storm, so they set up camp before the rain came. As it happened, the storm did not arrive, but they were safe and sound in their camp. They can use the rest because they had a day full of up hills and down hills (or is it up mountains and down mountains?).

Dave's Thermarest has gotten a hole it it. The hole is so small that he can't find it to repair it, but leaks so that he has to refill with air every two or three hours. That does not make for a good night sleep. They will be able to resupply tomorrow when they reach Tuolumne Meadows. That is about a 14 mile hike, but it's going to be an easier walk - no more big ups and downs. Dave is hoping that in Tuolumne Meadows they also carry sleeping pads. I'll send him mine, but he won't get that for four or five more days. Tomorrow he'll receive a package with fuel and new maps.

Besides his sleeping pad, Dave talked about the mosquitoes and his heavy pack. He's decided to send home a few more items that he feels is unnecessary. He's been waring a smaller pack around his waist to hold little items he touches throughout the day, like snacks, camera, suntan lotion, etc. That pack is coming home. He's working at dropping backpack weight! He's also mentioned the body weight he's lost. He said that sitting anywhere is hard because he is all bones! He is happy that his feet are still doing well.

A question was asked by one of his friends about fishing, has Dave had the chance to fish along the way. This area is wonderful for fishing, but there has been no fishing. I've asked Dave if I can bring him his rod, but he keeps talking about weight, weight, weight. He's decided he doesn't want the weight of the rod and the fishing gear. He is making plans to take me back there hopefully next year and fish as many of these lakes as he can. I'll meet him in Tahoe (Echo Lake) around his birthday (July 18th) and will just happen to have his rod and gear with me. Hopefully he'll be able to find the energy to enjoy some relaxing fishing.

I'll hear from him again tomorrow and will pass it on to all of you.

Trail Angel Jane.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Still on the John Muir Trail

Tonight's SPOT came in at 5:41 pm. It' s Sunday, July 11th. Dave's schedule for tonight would have gotten them off the John Muir trail and back on the PCT at mile 923.

Our hikers, however, fell short of that plan. They are at Shadow Lake on the John Muir trail. Tomorrow they have 3 plus miles to go before they are back on the Pacific Crest Trail.

See the Pacific Crest Trail Half Mile maps, California Section H, pages 23 (towards top of page) and page 24 (towards bottom of page). The John Muir trail is the dotted red line. The PCT trail is the solid red line.


The picture of Dave was taken at Horseshoe Meadow, near Lone Pine. I had taken resupplies to him and Team Far Sight and camped that evening with them. Dave was taking his bear canister and the cooler to a bear box. Proper handling/storing of food is really important due to bears and other critters.

Dave is using a Bearakade bear canister. This is a super light weight container that bears can't open. Dave is constantly trying to reduce the weight of his backpack, and most bear canisters add a lot of weight. He is so very thankful that this bear canister is so much lighter than his old canister. A huge thanks to Keith Ansel for coordinating Bearakade to sponsor Dave by giving him a free rental canister. Much appreciated!! Every ounce is a big deal.

Dave's biggest "critter" complaint has been the ants. He describes them as the length of your pinky's first bendable section, about an inch long. The ants are everywhere and you have to be careful to always zip up your tent, or you'll be sleeping with them. The next pest is the mosquito. Dave is using deet to try and keep these pests off of him, although sometimes deet is not enough. He's doing what he can to stay as comfortable as possible. He said their packs today were so heavy - full of food, but was happy to be getting back on the trail, even with the ants!

Trail Angel Jane

Time for mileage!

Saturday, July 10th was resupply, laundry, and recovery day. Our hikers stayed at the local Motel 6, glad for a bed. Dave had one of his favorite "town" means, pizza!

Sunday July 11th found Dave and Team Far Sight leaving Mammoth once again. They took the 7:15 bus to Reds Meadow. The reason for the early bus is because Dave has a very ambitious goal for today's hike - 16 miles. At mile 907, the PCT and the John Muir trail are one and the same. During today's hike, the trails split. The PCT takes a high, less scenic route. The John Muir trail takes the lower valley, much prettier route. The only issue is that our PCT hikers have a permit to sleep on the PCT, not the John Muir trail. If they choose the scenic JM trail, they need to get to mile 923, where the trails join up. See PCT Half Mile Maps, California Section H, pages 23 & 24.

We'll see tonight if they make it to PCT mile 923, or if they end up camping on the John Muir trail. They will be in position to climb yet another pass tomorrow. They are planning on being at Toulumne Meadows iby Tuesday evening. Dave is determined to stay on a more aggressive mile per day schedule. He is worried about being in Washington/Canada during the rainy and or snowy season!

Trail Angel Jane

Friday, July 9, 2010

Devil's postpile - Reds Meadow

Friday, July 9th, Dave's Spot came in at 6:36, while I was talking to him. His Spot can take up to 20 minutes to send a message. He was in a great mood, excited that they seem back on track putting the miles behind them. Climbing the passes really slowed down their progress. They hiked 20 miles today. They arrived at Reds Meadow which is at the PCT mile 907, elevation 7655. Check out PCT Half Mile map California section H page 22. Wow, 907 miles!


I asked him what he thought about when he passed Lake Virginia. As a good son would, he said "My Mom!". We didn't have long to talk because he was running off to get a burger at Reds Meadow Store which closes at 7:00 pm. Tonight they are camping at Reds Meadow. Tomorrow they'll take a bus into Mammoth. They will actually have to take two transfers to get to Mammoth, but for $7.00, they will enjoy the ride.

The plan was to pick up their resupply packages, but have been told by a fellow hiker that the Mammoth Post Office is not open on Saturdays. Either way, they will resupply. They are thinking about sleeping there overnight. Getting a hotel room means a shower along with the ability to do laundry.

At some point yesterday, Dave lost his maps and resupply schedule. (He's done this once or twice before). He should be able to find someplace in town to reprint the maps (he uses the PCT Half Mile maps that we look at). I'll try and email him the resupply list so he can print that off too. If not, I'll send it to him at one of the next package pick-ups.

I'll talk to Dave again tomorrow and see how the resupplying goes.

Trail Angel Jane

Thursday, July 8, 2010

PCT mile 887

This morning, July 8th, I received a call from Dave. He was finishing packing and anxious to get back on the trail. The day before, July 7th, while they were on the trail, they were hoping to get to the ferry to take them to VVR to pick up their resupply package. They realized that they were cutting it close. Missing the ferry meant one more day not hiking. The ferry only travels twice a day, once in the morning and once at 4:45 pm. Fire Marshall ran ahead to try and keep the ferry from leaving. Dave led Zero and they moved as quickly as they could. They arrived at the ferry at 5:00, and Fire Marshall had done it - he had held the ferry. If they had not made it, they would have had another 4.5 miles to walk, or wait for the ferry in the morning. They were really in need of rest and were happy to avoid unnecessary walking!

Dave was told in the morning that there was one spot that AT&T mobile customers could get a signal. (No other cell phones received signals in this area). He called me to check in, see what was happening at home, and let me know they are planning on being at Mammoth this Saturday to get the new supplies I had sent on. (The supplies arrive Saturday!) Let's hope they both get there on time!

They got on the 9:45 ferry this morning, heading back out to the trail. The SPOT came in at 7:06 pm. They are at PCT mile 887. Check this out at the PCT Half Mile Maps California Section H, page 19.

Today they went over Silver Pass, PCT Mile 885 at 10,910 feet. They are in the John Muir Wilderness area. There are a multitude of lakes in this area. Silver pass lake, Chief Lake, Squaw Lake, Papoose Lake, Warrior Lake, and Wilbor May Lake are just a few. Tomorrow they will be walking towards / past Lake Virginia. I'm sure Dave will be thinking about his Mom when he learns the name of that lake! I know he thinks abut all his family all the time. He told me that he has so much time to think and miss people. He has also been passing places that he and I have backpacked, and was getting a bit choked up talking about it. Dave is already planning another hike with places that I've not been to that he wants me to see... hummm, do I have 6 months to take off and hike??

Update from Dave:
When they left Mammoth the other day, they took the bus into Bishop. On the bus they met two employees from Fish & Game. These two have a job counting sheep. They offered to help out the guys by giving them a ride to South Lake. They didn't waste much time getting back on the trail. Dave was excited that they have been able to hike about 15 miles each day since. Today was 10 miles because of the late start. He is really hoping to ramp up the mileage in the next few weeks. He is enjoying all the adventures that they are having. That is always the best thing I can hear from him, that he is happy and enjoying his experience.

Trail Angel Jane

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Thomas Edison Lake

Wednesday, July 7th has found Dave at Thomas Edison Lake. We had seen this location on a "California's Gold" and Dave was excited knowing he would be stopping here. I've not gotten a call tonight, so I'm gathering that they do not have cell service there. Team Far Sight's SPOT shows them on the west side of the lake, which is where the resort is located. The PCT is 1.5 miles east of the east side of the lake. Here is what the PCT Half Mile map, California Section H, page 18 has to say about mile 877!!

Vermillion Valley Resort [VVR] [mile 877] is a hiker friendly resort 6 miles W of the PCT with a small store, restaurant, tent cabins, showers, and laundry. You can access VVR by a ferry boat that lands 1.5 miles SW of the PCT [$16 round trip in 2008, pick up at 9:45a and 4:45p] or hike 5 miles along the N shore of Lake Edison to VVR. VVR charges $18 per resupply package [25
pound limit]. VVR recommends hiker use United Parcel Service. See www.edisonlake.com

Dave had mailed himself a package to this location (VVR) the day he left to head out of Kennedy Meadows. They are almost a week behind their schedule, but that package will still be there for him. I mailed three packages today to different locations, one with fuel, one with maps, and one with my home made breakfasts I've put together (lots of calories to start the hiker's day). The locations he will be going to in the next couple of weeks will have stores for him to resupply.

Check out the Half Mile maps at http://www.pctmap.net/download/p/mapdl.html

Trail Angel Jane

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pictures from PCT California Section H

Sallie Keys Lake

Dave is hoping this is what his beard will look like at the end of the trail. We'll watch this growth through out the next couple of months.

Tuesday, July 6th has found Dave and Team Far Sight nestled between the Sallie Keys Lakes, located at PCT Mile 863.8. See PCT Half Mile map California Section H page 16.


His spot came in at 5:59 this evening.

Tomorrow at PCT mile 865.5, they will go up and over Sheldon Pass at 10.887 feet. My belief is that they will work towards mile 877 and their next resupply stop.

The package Dave mailed from Mammoth has arrived. We'll get all the pictures uploaded on his web site, www.trailingducks.com. I'll send out a second blog tonight with additional pictures.

Trail Angel Jane

Monday, July 5, 2010

Evolution Valley - Dave's top pick for places to be.

Monday, July 5th, Dave's SPOT came in at 6:11 pm. The hikers are in Evolution Valley at approximately PCT mile 850. See PCT Half Mile map California Section H, page 14. I believe that they will cross Evolution Creek tomorrow morning when it is the safest to cross.


Dave has been to Evolution Valley once before and said that was the most beautiful place he had seen. He has been in such great spirits because he's been looking forward to being here again. Because of my altitude sickness I did not get there, but hope that I will see this valley one day.

Two more days and he should be at his next resupply location. We'll see where they stop tomorrow night.

Trail Angel Jane.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Friday July 2nd was spent resupplying and resting in Mammoth. Dave picked up the two boxes of resupplies that I had sent. He called in to request new resupplies for the next time they are in Mammoth. The protein powder was his top request. He's afraid of losing too much muscle. He is sending home a package of items he no longer needs. I am mostly looking forward to the SD card from his camera. From what he says, his beard is growing! Dave normally keeps his beard very neatly trimmed, very short. He's thinking maybe he'll look like ZZTop! I'll post pictures as they come in!

Saturday July 3rd the boys got back on the trail. They had to get a ride from Mammoth to Bishop, and then back to the Bishop pass trail head. They hiked about 4 to 5 miles to the tree line before Bishop pass. See PCT Half Mile maps, California section H page 11. Dave was not looking forward to hiking this pass a second time. It was slow going the first time!


I did not get a SPOT from Dave this evening. That is not strange. Once in a while it doesn't go through. We've been told not to get anxious until we've not heard for about three days. Typically the reason for not working is a dead battery. I know his were fresh (I had sent them in the resupply box), but not to panic. What is great is that I can check Team Far Sight's SPOT. (www.teamfarsight.org / tracking). They did hit their spot today at 4:15 pm. Their SPOT shows them at the Middle Fork of the Kings Ringer, heading towards Helen Lake, at PCT mile 835. They have set themselves up to hike over Muir Pass tomorrow at PCT mile 838.5. See PCT Half Mile maps, California section H page 12.

The are south of South Lake. Dave has told me that he wants to go back to this area with me and do a week or so there. We've done a trip out of North Lake, but it was an out and back. He's talked to the Ranger who has suggested a trip from North Lake to South Lake (yes, a little hitch hiking may have to happen, but Dave is getting used to this!).

They will be on the trail until PCT mile 877 (PCT Half Mile maps, California section H page 18. More tomorrow when his SPOT comes in.

Trail Angel Jane

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The little voice inside

I had such trouble yesterday trying to figure out where Dave and Team Far Sight spend their evening. Typically, using the PCT half mile maps and the SPOT google maps it is not too difficult to pinpoint their location.

The phone rang tonight at 7:00. Dave, Zero, and Fire Marshall are in Mammoth! Zero's tooth issue became such an issue on the trail. He was experiencing pain, not being able to eat much, and was getting dizzy.

They hiked off the trail, out Bishop Pass, to a Ranger Station. They had left a note on the trail stating that they had a hiker who needed medical attention and that they would wait at the Ranger Station for help. Not too long after getting there the Ranger and friends showed up. Amongst the friends were a nurse and a doctor. The doctor just happened to have antibiotics with him that he gave to Zero. They then gave them a ride to Mammoth. Zero went right to a dentist.

Dave checked into a hotel to get a shower and sleep. He is really enjoying the majesty of the scenery, but he is really worn out. His comment was "I'm feeling 50". The routine of the hiking & packing, and the rough travel are wearing on him.

They have been hiking over a pass a day, about 10 miles each day. Their plan sets them up in the tree line just before the pass, typically around 8000 feet. They head out early in the day while the snow is hard. That helps them create steps. Travel is about one mile per hour. By the time they are coming down the other side the sun has warmed the snow, making downhill travel easier. The passes are about 12,000 feet. The push on through the next valley, to the tree line, getting ready for the next day's pass climb.

Although last night I thought they had made it to mile 846, they left the trail at mile 832. They will get to the post office tomorrow where packages I mailed should already be there. They will resupply and then give me a call. I'll find out if I need to mail additional supplies to Mammoth. They will also let me know their next plans. Dave wants to get back on the trail as soon as possible and keep moving forward. He's concerned about falling further behind. He will be sending home his crampons (actually, Sarah Hess's crampons - thanks Sarah!). They have not used them once. His ice axe will probably find it's way home too because it's not getting used. Dave is looking for weight to get off his back (and maybe leave a little room for extra food).

Although Dave had 4 days of food left which would have gotten them to their next resupply location, Fire Marshall was down to to days. They need to make sure that they have enough food and room for it all! Hopefully Dave will send home his SD card (I've sent him a replacement). I can't wait to see these beautiful images he's been describing to me and then share them with all of you. More tomorrow.

Trail Angel Jane